Minimalizing Your EDC With KeyBar: A New Year’s Resolution TweetSharePinShareWhatsAppRedditEmail0 Shares At the beginning of the year, we create new goals as part of our resolution, whether the goals are big or small. A small goal that you can set to improve your everyday life is to get organized. For all of you hands-on people: why not decrease the number of tools you carry around on a daily basis? We have a solution: start carrying a KeyBar. In this blog, we will be talking about why it’s a good idea to use a KeyBar to cut minimalize more of your every day carry items you use frequently. Ditch The Noisy Keys Don’t you just hate the feeling of keys digging into your leg? How about the constant jingling? Our catchphrase is “Stop The Noise” for a reason. The KeyBar is the best way to get your keys stored all in one place without making so much noise. If you hunt, this is a perfect reason to carry a KeyBar. Keyrings are uncomfortable and just aren’t practical anymore with all the things people carry on a regular, daily basis. With so many things you carry on a daily basis, the last thing you need is a bulky key ring taking up all of your pocket space. Less Clutter In Your Pockets As mentioned, keyrings are bulky (especially with a lot of keys) and can clutter your pockets. Add having tools and other everyday carry items on top of that, your pockets are cluttered. KeyBar allows you to store keys, your pen, your comb, your USB drive with all of your files, your screwdriver and so much more. You can even attach your car key fob to your KeyBar with the help of a MagNut. With your keys and tools taking up less space and clutter in your pocket, you can take every tool with you and have tools wherever you go! We’ve all certainly had situations where we don’t have our tools – but not anymore with KeyBar! This is something that’s perfect for the person who’s always working hands-on. This year, you can always have your tools no matter the situation without having to stop and find the tools you need. Be prepared for anything that 2020 throws at you! Every Tool You Need – Wherever You Go! With your keys and tools taking up less space and clutter in your pocket, you can take every tool with you and have tools wherever you go! We’ve all certainly had situations where we don’t have our tools – but not anymore with KeyBar! This is something that’s perfect for the person who’s always working hands-on. This year, you can always have your tools no matter the situation without having to stop and find the tools you need. Be prepared for anything that 2020 throws at you! Stay Organized! The main purpose of using KeyBar for to be a part of your New Year’s resolution is to get yourself organized. While we do a good job at “Stopping The Noise”, the KeyBar is also a great way to get yourself organized and condense what your carry on a daily basis. In an article written by Paige Fowler on titled, “How Cleaning and Organizing Can Improve Your Physical and Mental Health” talks about how things like organization can reduce stress and depression. This a great reason to get yourself organized – starting with what you carry on a daily basis. KeyBar is a great way to keep your tools and keys in one place. Using KeyBar is the perfect way to get yourself organized for the new decade. TweetSharePinShareWhatsAppRedditEmail0 Shares